Dianna Waugh

Dianna Jerrybandhan Waugh has enjoyed gathering tools for her Spiritual Tool Basket over the past 30 years. She is an Ayahuasca co-facilitator, Clarity Breathwork Practitioner, certified Massage Therapist, certified Hypnotherapist (Past Life and Womb Regression), Ordained Healer, Integrated Quantum Medicine Facilitator, Minister, and Reiki Master. 

Dianna draws upon lessons from her spiritual path, including personal losses, her formal education (BA in Psychology and MA in Sociology), and life experiences gained as a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, to support her clients. Dianna uses her gifts of healing, intuition, and compassion to gently and lovingly minister to those who come to her. Dianna was born on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean and is proud of her Asian Indian heritage, which she draws upon in her healing work. 

As both student and teacher, Dianna stays open to wisdom from all paths in order to raise her frequency and gain self-mastery. She understands that when we interact with others of high vibration, our consciousness is raised. Dianna received darshan from Sathya Sai Baba in 1992 and completed Inner Awakening, a 21-day spiritual training in Bangalore, India, under the direct guidance of Sri Nithyananda in 2009. Additionally, she completed the first class of Infinite Possibilities with Mike Dooley, Be Extraordinary with Vishen Lakhiani of Mind Valley, Inner Engineering with Sadhguru, and was initiated in Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya in 2024. She completed communications training with the Landmark Forum, is a graduate of Mastery University with Tony Robbins, and has received several divine hugs from Amma, The Hugging Saint from India.

Dianna believes that when one of us achieves greatness, we all rise!

“My life is perfect in its imperfection.”

Dianna Jerrybandhan Waugh


Free Consultation

Are you ready to embark on a journey of profound healing, connection, and transformation? Join master healers Alan and Dianna Waugh for a life-changing opportunity to grow and connect to your best self.