Dianna Waugh
Dianna Jerrybandhan Waugh comes from a long line of mystics originating in India. She was born on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean and is proud of her Asian Indian heritage, which she draws upon in her healing work. Dianna has enjoyed gathering tools for her Spiritual Tool Basket over the past 30 years. She is an Ayahuasca co-facilitator, Clarity Breathwork Practitioner, certified Hypnotist (Past Lives and Womb Regression), certified Massage Therapist, Minister, Somatic Parts (Internal Family Systems) Practitioner, Reiki Master and Spiritual Life Coach.
Dianna draws upon lessons from her spiritual path which began when she read Man’s Eternal Quest by Paramahamsa Yogananda in 1992. Also from her formal education (attending SUNY Stony Brook at 16 in a Pre-Med program, graduating from California State University, Long Beach with a BA in Psychology, and graduating from Arizona State University with an MA in Sociology). And from ordinary and extraordinary life experiences gained as a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, to support her clients. Dianna uses her gifts of healing, intuition, and compassion to gently and lovingly minister to those who come to her.
As a student, teacher, and coach, Dianna stays open to wisdom from all paths in order to gain self-mastery. She understands that when we interact with others of high vibration, our consciousness is raised.
Dianna received Darshan from Sathya Sai Baba in Kodaikanal, India, in 1992 and completed Inner Awakening, a 21-day spiritual training in Bangalore, India, under the direct guidance of Sri Nithyananda, who ordained her as a Healer in 2009. Additionally, she completed the first class of Infinite Possibilities with Mike Dooley (of the film The Secret), completed Be Extraordinary with Vishen Lakhiani of Mind Valley and completed Inner Engineering with Sadhguru. She is a graduate of Mastery University with Anthony Robbins (2015) and completed Communications training with the Landmark Forum in 2019. Dianna was initiated in Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya by Sadhguru in 2024. She is a student of the Mystery School, Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, and a student of A Course in Miracles, and she has received several divine hugs from Amma, The Hugging Saint from India.
Dianna strives and relaxes into becoming the best version of herself and guides others to do the same; she knows that when one of us is healed, everybody wins.🌺

“Nothing real can be threatened,
Nothing unreal exists,
Herein lies the peace of God.”
A Course in Miracles

We offer a variety of Plant Medicines and Healing Modalities customized to your unique experience.