Upgrade Your Community

We offer a variety of Group Retreats, that include Reiki retreats, Breathwork + Yin Yoga, Sacred site visits, Vision-quests, and Shamanic Ceremonial retreats.

See below to read about our upcoming offerings and join our mailing list to receive up to date schedules. We are also happy to offer customized retreats for your own group. Please contact us to discuss.


Reiki 1 and 2 Retreat

Check the schedule on the Reiki Retreats Page.

Retreat starts with dinner on Friday evening and ends with lunch on Sunday before departure.

On Friday evening you will learn about the chakra system, the history of Usui Reiki and hand positions for optimum energy balancing. Saturday morning you will receive Reiki 1 attunement and have plenty of time for hands on practice on yourself and other class participants. In the afternoon, we may have time for an excursion to a powerful mountain lake.
After dinner you will learn the 3 secret Usui symbols that allow to amp up the flow of energy, for distance healing, mental/emotional healing, send healings into the past or future, to pets and relationships etc. Learn about setting up a Reiki Healing Practice.
Sunday morning you will be attuned to Reiki Level 2 allowing for an increased flow of Universal life force Reiki energy. Time to practice on others. Receive certificates to show you have been attuned to Reiki 1 and 2.

These retreats include instruction, class material, attunements, certificates, food and lodging. Locals receive a discount if you don’t stay on site or require meals provided by us.

Class size limited to 8 people.

Reiki Master and Teacher Retreat

Check the Schedule on the Reiki Retreats Page

Retreat starts with dinner on Friday evening and ends with lunch on Sunday before departure.

In this weekend retreat you will be attuned to Reiki Level 3 allowing for maximum flow of Reiki energy flow. Learn the secret Usui Master symbol that incorporates all the 3 symbols from Reiki 2, into one. Learn about setting up a Reiki Healing Practice, learn relaxation techniques and techniques of how to talk with new clients to put them at ease. Learn how to use a pendulum for diagnostic work and how to use the Master symbol to unwind, stuck energy. Learn how to incorporate Some Shamanic Practices into Reiki. Time to practice on others. Build sacred community.

On the Saturday evening day you will learn how to offer transmission of the Reiki attunements. How to structure and teach a Reiki class. Sunday is hands on practice teaching classes and giving attunements. At the end of the weekend you will come away with all the tools needed to start a career as a Reiki teacher.
Pre requisite- already received Reiki 1 and 2 attunements and have experience of giving  at least 7 full Reiki sessions.

Taught by Alan Waugh

Reiki 3 and Teacher weekend retreat includes instruction, class material, attunements, certificates, food and lodging. Locals receive a discount if you don’t stay on site or require meals provided by us.

Class size: maximum 8

Shamanistic Reiki

Check the schedule on the Reiki Retreats Page.

In this weekend workshop retreat you will learn techniques that he calls Shamanistic Reiki, that Alan has used for years to offer deeply transformative healing sessions to hundreds of clients. It is really Shamanic practices supported by Reiki rather than the other way around and involves active participation by the receiver/ client. Through incorporating these techniques, you not only activate the client’s own capacity to heal themselves but also teach them how to continue these practices at home. 

This workshop will include teachings on shamanic principles of sickness and health, how to do energetic cleanses (limpia’s) for your client and yourself. You will learn techniques that Alan successfully uses for releasing the root causes of addictions, fear and depression and how to use relaxation techniques to enhance the client’s ability to allow energy flow for healing. Also learn how to use colors and shapes to isolate and then release energy blocks or tensions held in the body for healing and a myriad of other techniques that Alan has honed over many years. 

This workshop suggests that you are at the level of Reiki Master/Teacher and is the pre-requisite for taking the Shamanistic Reiki Advanced class; however if you are at least Reiki Level 2, call Alan for special approval.

Shamanistic Reiki level 1 Retreat includes instruction, class material, attunements, certificates, food and lodging.
Locals receive a discount if you don’t stay on site or require meals provided by us.