My Crystalline Heart

Part I: Several years ago, I went on a day-long vision quest with my friend Roy and a small group of eager participants that he had put together for a day in the woods. The focus of the day was as it is typical for such events—to deepen our connection to nature and, in so … Read more

The Benefits of Breathing & Breathwork

We became autonomous beings the moment we were disconnected from our Mother’s umbilical cord and took our FIRST breath. Our last action as that same autonomous being is when we breathe our LAST breath. Breath is the most vital element of simply BE-ing, not just autonomous but alive, as we are virtually breathed into and … Read more

How To Love

Sculpture By Ukrainian Artist Alexander Milov for 2015 Burning Ma Installation

This powerful sculpture entitled ‘LOVE’ and otherwise known as ‘Inner Child’ evokes the innocent child within us wanting to reach out and connect with the innocent, inner child within our partner. It is symbolic of the deep yearning within us to connect with the core essence of our mate, despite the challenges and conflict that … Read more

The Pitfalls of Spiritual Bypassing

pitfalls of spiritual bypassing

A Term coined by Psychotherapist Jon Welwood to emphasize what he was witnessing in his own Buddhist community, where he noticed people were using spiritual ideation to avoid dealing with deeply held psychological or emotional wounds. Of course it feels really nice and cozy to be dwelling on uplifting experiences and elevating thoughts. To use … Read more